
Thank you so much for the compliments!! I'm so glad you enjoy reading my articles. Let's keep growing this community together💪

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bechem Ayuk

Hello Bechem. I've been a subscriber to your newsletter for quite some time now. I've been reading and enjoying the value you share in your writing but never commenting. But today I just want to say I'm really impressed by articles. The way you link things which appear to have nothing in common and still make it make sense is absolutely amazing. Last week you spoke about why we need more polymaths and highlighted some renowned polymaths. I hope you know you're also a polymath. Your breadth of knowledge is really stunning. I wish more people got to read your articles. Please never stop posting. I look forward to the interview next week.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Bechem Ayuk

Bechem, excellent, balanced and insightful! Thank you. To paraphrase your mentor: He who educates you, controls your worldview. Witness the American educational machine.

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Thank you so much Doug. "He who educates you, controls your worldview." I love this!!

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Hi Bechum, new subscriber here - just want to thank you for your news and insights here. Quite agree that Gates is using populations for his personal vision of progress, which is quite uncomfortable for the rest of us who don't get to see the endgame and realise how vulnerable that makes us.

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Hello Brian. Thank you so much for subscribing. You are right. It does make us vulnerable. And sadly not everyone is aware. Some people in Ivory Coast don't even know that some of the food they consume is genetically modified in a Gates-funded laboratory.

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