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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Bechem Ayuk


Your section regarding some educators being concerned about the diminishment of student-teacher relationships is well-founded. One of my daughters has been a grade school teacher and special ed specialist for about 25 years and a good friend has been a professor of computer science for decades. The common denominator is their steadfast shunning of AI-based edtech. Neither are open to discussing the topic. Not even out of curiosity. I’ve asked both why the avoidance. Both responded that “teaching” must be done first person: period, full stop. My lay observation is that there is a fundamental difference between teaching and educating. Teaching is predicated on human delivery of course material to less educated persons, on a one-size-fits-all basis. Educating, on the other hand, delivers knowledge to students by the most effective means required by the individual’s unique learning capabilities. The latter being more effectively realized via a hybrid team of human and machine. Until our universities and unions recognize that human-machine collaboration is an essential evolutionary mandate, yet another generation of students will be left behind by “educational” malfeasance.

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